
Posts Tagged ‘Presidential Debate’

Barack Obama refusing to go to Washington and help fix this economic problem confirms a few things:

1. Obama only knows how to talk about problems. He doesn’t know how to fix them, or does he care to fix them.

2. Obama has never written a major piece of legislation. He doesn’t want to start to help us out.

3. If he’s scared to go back to Washington and actually work (while he currently holds a position that actually calls for him to do that right now), why should we elect him into the TOP position that would call for him to do exactly that?

Obama has never done multiple things at once. He knows nothing about how to juggle.

Plus, this is not McCain trying to get out of a debate. McCain wanted 10 debates, and Obama didn’t want to debate him and only wanted to debate 3 times.

– McCain backed out of only 1 debate in this whole campain (to go to Washington and help Americans by doing his job)

– Obama backed out of 7 debates. (because he’s a chicken and knows he can’t stand on the issues against McCain.) He probably couldn’t hire enough writers to script 10 debates total.

We can debate next week. Obama’s campaign is just sucking wind, running scared and is trying to spin an honest concern on McCain’s part into a false, selfish move.

– Julian

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